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the kingdom of learning

  • 1 ♦ kingdom

    ♦ kingdom /ˈkɪŋdəm/
    1 regno; reame: (polit.) the United Kingdom, il Regno Unito
    2 (fig.) regno; mondo; impero: the kingdom of learning, il mondo della cultura
    3 (relig.) regno: «Thy Kingdom come», «venga il Tuo Regno»; the Kingdom of Heaven, il regno dei cieli
    4 ( tassonomia) regno: the mineral kingdom, il regno minerale
    ● (fam.) kingdom come, l'altro mondo; l'aldilà: They sent him to kingdom come, lo hanno spedito all'altro mondo □ to come into one's kingdom, raggiungere la preminenza.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ kingdom

  • 2 speak

    гл.; прош. вр. spoke, уст. spake; прич. прош. вр. spoken
    а) говорить; сказать; произнести

    She spoke her mind. — Она высказала своё мнение.

    English is spoken here. — Здесь говорят по-английски.

    I am sure she is speaking the truth. — Уверен, она говорит правду.

    б) говорить; разговаривать; изъясняться, выражать свою мысль

    to speak bluntly / candidly / frankly — говорить резко, открыто, откровенно

    to speak coherently — говорить логично, связно

    to speak fluently — говорить бегло, свободно

    to speak irresponsibly — говорить легкомысленно, безответственно

    to speak quickly / rapidly — говорить быстро

    to speak quietly / softly — говорить спокойно, мягко

    to speak to / преим. амер. with smb. about smb. / smth. — разговаривать, беседовать с кем-л. о ком-л. / чём-л.

    to know smb. to speak to — быть (достаточно) хорошо знакомым с кем-л. ( чтобы можно было заговорить при встрече)

    'Do you know him?' - 'Not to speak to.' — "Ты его знаешь?" - "Только наглядно."

    I'll speak to the director about a pay rise for you. — Я поговорю с директором о том, чтобы он увеличил вам заработную плату.

    The baby is learning to speak. — Ребенок учится говорить.

    talk 2.
    2) высказываться; отзываться (о ком-л. / чём-л.)

    to speak well of smb. — хорошо отзываться о ком-л.

    to speak ill / evil of smb. — дурно отзываться о ком-л.

    He is well spoken of. — О нём хорошо отзываются.

    3) произносить речь, выступать ( на собрании)

    to speak at a conference / rally — выступать на конференции, митинге

    The King spoke from the throne; his speech had been composed by himself. (Th. B. Macaulay) — Король произносил речь, сидя на троне; речь была составлена им самим.

    The councillor was asked to speak to the crowd, to beg them to remain calm. — Советника попросили обратиться к толпе с просьбой сохранять спокойствие.

    United Kingdom and Germany spoke in favour of / against the motion. — Соединённое Королевство и Германия выступили в поддержку / против этого предложения.

    а) рассказывать; свидетельствовать; делать утверждения

    to speak volumes about / for smb. / smth. — красноречиво свидетельствовать о чём-л. в пользу кого-л. / чего-л.

    Witnesses spoke of a lengthy gunfight. — Очевидцы рассказывали о продолжительной перестрелке.

    It was admitted that the ancients spoke from justifiable data. — Было признано, что древние делали утверждения, основываясь на надёжных данных.

    That phrase speaks volumes about her attitude. — Эта фраза красноречиво свидетельствует об её отношении.

    б) ( speak of) упоминать

    nothing to speak of, no smth. to speak of — ничего стоящего, особенного

    I've no money to speak of. — У меня почти нет денег.

    The rooms are nice but nothing to speak of. — Комнаты милые, но ничего особенного не представляют.

    Her child, Mary, died very young and was never spoken of. — Её дочь, Мэри, умерла, когда была младенцем, и о ней никогда не упоминали.

    Speaking of museums, there's a brewery museum in Brussels, — Кстати о музеях, в Брюсселе есть музей пивоваренного искусства.

    а) издавать характерный звук, звучать (о музыкальных инструментах, орудиях), "вести беседу"
    б) мор. окликать; переговариваться с другим судном (при помощи гудков, сигналов)
    6) юр. быть действительным, законным; вступать в силу

    A will now speaks from the death of testator. — Теперь, после смерти завещателя, завещание вступает в силу.

    7) ( speak for) просить, требовать, ангажировать, заказывать для (кого-л.)

    The bell was rung, and the carriages spoken for. (J. Austen) — Прозвонил колокольчик, послали за каретами.

    I'm afraid you can't have these seats - they're already spoken for. — Очень жаль, но вы не можете сесть на эти места - они заказаны для других людей.

    ask for, beg, request 2., order 2., bespeak, engage 1.

    (This is) Mark Dixon speaking. — Марк Диксон у телефона.

    9) ( speak for)
    а) говорить за или от лица (кого-л.)

    This fact speaks for itself. — Этот факт говорит сам за себя.

    You must choose one person to speak for the whole group. — Вы должны выбрать одного человека, который будет говорить от лица всей группы.

    I speak for all my colleagues. — Я говорю от имени всех моих коллег.

    б) представлять кого-л. в суде
    10) (speak to / with) выговаривать кому-л.

    I'll speak to that boy the minute he gets in. — Как только этот мальчишка появится, я с ним поговорю.

    I shall ask your father to speak with you when he comes home. — Я попрошу твоего папу поговорить с тобой, когда он придёт.

    11) ( speak to)
    высказываться, выражать мнение (по каком-л. вопросу)
    12) разговаривать друг с другом, не быть в ссоре

    They are no longer speaking (to each other). — Они больше не разговаривают (друг с другом).

    13) делать предложение руки и сердца, предлагать руку и сердце

    I think you may speak now, Frank - she is very fond of you. (Trollope) — Думаю, Франк, теперь ты можешь сделать предложение - ты ей очень нравишься.

    - speak small
    - speak out
    - speak up
    - speak like a book
    - so to speak

    Англо-русский современный словарь > speak

  • 3 divide

    1. transitive verb
    1) teilen; (subdivide) aufteilen; (with precision) einteilen; (into separated pieces) zerteilen

    divide something in[to] parts — (separate) etwas [in Stücke (Akk.)] aufteilen

    divide something into halves/quarters — etwas halbieren/vierteln

    divide something in two — etwas [in zwei Teile] zerteilen

    2) (by marking out)

    divide something into somethingetwas in etwas (Akk.) unterteilen

    3) (part by marking) trennen

    divide something/somebody from or and something/somebody — etwas/jemanden von etwas/jemandem trennen

    dividing line — Trennungslinie, die

    5) (distinguish) unterscheiden
    6) (cause to disagree) entzweien

    be divided over an issuein einer Angelegenheit nicht einig sein

    7) (distribute) aufteilen ( among unter + Akk. od. Dat.)
    8) (Math.) dividieren (fachspr.), teilen (by durch)
    2. intransitive verb

    divide [in or into parts] — sich [in Teile] teilen; [Buch, Urkunde usw.:] sich [in Teile] gliedern, [in Teile] gegliedert sein

    divide into twosich in zwei Teile teilen


    divide [from something] — von etwas abzweigen

    3) (Math.)

    divide [by a number] — sich [durch eine Zahl] dividieren (fachspr.) od. teilen lassen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/86290/divide_off">divide off
    * * *
    1) (to separate into parts or groups: The wall divided the garden in two; The group divided into three when we got off the bus; We are divided (= We do not agree) as to where to spend our holidays.) teilen
    2) ((with between or among) to share: We divided the sweets between us.) verteilen
    3) (to find out how many times one number contains another: 6 divided by 2 equals 3.) dividieren
    - dividers
    - divisible
    - division
    - divisional
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (gulf) Kluft f ( between zwischen + dat)
    2. (boundary) Grenze f
    continental \divide Kontinentalsperre f
    3. AM (watershed) Wasserscheide f
    to cross the Great \divide die Schwelle des Todes überschreiten
    II. vt
    1. (split)
    to \divide sth etw teilen
    2. (share)
    to \divide sth etw aufteilen
    to \divide sth equally [between [or among] sb] etw zu gleichen Teilen [untereinander] aufteilen
    Britain is to \divide the development costs with Germany and France England, Deutschland und Frankreich sollen die Entwicklungskosten gemeinsam tragen
    3. MATH
    to \divide sth by sth etw durch etw akk teilen
    10 \divided by 2 equals 5 10 geteilt durch 2 ist 5
    to \divide sth from sth etw von etw dat trennen, etw gegen etw akk abgrenzen
    to \divide sb jdn entzweien [o auseinanderbringen]
    they refused to let the distance \divide them sie ließen sich durch die Entfernung nicht auseinanderbringen
    the fence \divides our field from our neighbour's der Zaun grenzt unser Grundstück von dem unseres Nachbarn ab
    to \divide sth etw zuteilen
    she \divides her time between her apartment in New York and her cottage in Yorkshire sie verbringt ihre Zeit abwechselnd in ihrem Apartment in New York und ihrem Landhaus in Yorkshire
    to \divide sb/sth jdn/etw spalten
    to \divide a nation eine Nation spalten
    to be \divided over [or on] sth über etw akk verschiedene Ansichten haben, [sich dat] in etw dat uneinig sein
    to \divide the House durch Hammelsprung abstimmen
    III. vi
    1. (split) sich akk teilen
    to \divide equally [or evenly] in gleiche Teile zerfallen
    the vote is expected to \divide equally for and against the proposal man erwartet, dass ebenso viele für wie gegen den Vorschlag stimmen werden
    2. MATH dividieren
    their paths \divided ihre Wege trennten sich
    4. BRIT POL im Hammelsprung abstimmen
    5. (disagree) nicht übereinstimmen
    to \divide and rule [or conquer] teilen und herrschen
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (= separate) trennen
    2) (= split into parts also divide up) money, work, property, kingdom, room teilen (into in +acc); (in order to distribute) aufteilen

    the river divides the city into two —

    divide the pastry in half she divided the cake into five piecesden Teig in zwei Hälften teilen sie teilte den Kuchen in fünf Stücke (auf)

    3) (= share out) money, time, food verteilen
    4) (MATH) dividieren, teilen

    to divide 6 into 36, to divide 36 by 6 —

    what is 12 divided by 3?was ist 12 (geteilt or dividiert) durch 3?

    5) (= cause disagreement among) friends entzweien
    6) (Brit PARL)
    2. vi
    1) (river, road, room, cells) sich teilen; (book etc) sich gliedern (into in +acc)

    the policy of divide and rule/conquer — die Politik des "divide et impera"/Teilen und Besiegens

    2) (MATH number) sich teilen or dividieren lassen (by durch)

    he's no good at dividinger kann nicht teilen or dividieren

    3) (Brit PARL)

    divide, divide! — abstimmen!

    3. n (GEOG)
    Wasserscheide f

    the Great Divide (Geog) — die (nord)amerikanische Wasserscheide; (fig) die Kluft

    the racial/social/cultural divide — die Kluft zwischen den Rassen/Gesellschaftsschichten/Kulturen

    * * *
    divide [dıˈvaıd]
    A v/t
    1. teilen:
    divide in halves halbieren;
    divide sth with sb etwas mit jemandem teilen
    2. (zer)teilen, spalten, fig auch entzweien, auseinanderbringen oder dividieren:
    divide opinion unterschiedlich beurteilt werden; divided 1
    3. (ab)trennen, scheiden ( beide:
    from von)
    4. aufteilen (among, between unter akk)
    5. WIRTSCH eine Dividende ausschütten
    6. gliedern, einteilen ( beide:
    into, in in akk)
    7. MATH
    a) dividieren, teilen ( beide:
    by durch):
    30 divided by 5 is 6 30 (geteilt) durch 5 ist 6;
    divide 5 into 30 30 durch 5 teilen
    b) ohne Rest teilen, aufgehen in (dat)
    8. MATH, TECH graduieren, mit einer Gradeinteilung versehen
    9. Br das Parlament etc im Hammelsprung abstimmen lassen (on über akk)
    B v/i
    1. sich teilen
    2. sich aufteilen, zerfallen ( beide:
    into in akk)
    3. sich auflösen ( into in akk)
    4. sich trennen ( from von)
    5. MATH
    a) dividieren, teilen
    b) sich dividieren oder teilen lassen (by durch)
    c) aufgehen ( into in dat)
    6. PARL Br im Hammelsprung abstimmen
    7. verschiedener Meinung sein (on, upon über akk)
    C s GEOG Wasserscheide f: great divide
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) teilen; (subdivide) aufteilen; (with precision) einteilen; (into separated pieces) zerteilen

    divide something in[to] parts — (separate) etwas [in Stücke (Akk.)] aufteilen

    divide something into halves/quarters — etwas halbieren/vierteln

    divide something in two — etwas [in zwei Teile] zerteilen

    divide something/somebody from or and something/somebody — etwas/jemanden von etwas/jemandem trennen

    dividing line — Trennungslinie, die

    5) (distinguish) unterscheiden
    6) (cause to disagree) entzweien
    7) (distribute) aufteilen ( among unter + Akk. od. Dat.)
    8) (Math.) dividieren (fachspr.), teilen (by durch)
    2. intransitive verb

    divide [in or into parts] — sich [in Teile] teilen; [Buch, Urkunde usw.:] sich [in Teile] gliedern, [in Teile] gegliedert sein


    divide [from something] — von etwas abzweigen

    3) (Math.)

    divide [by a number] — sich [durch eine Zahl] dividieren (fachspr.) od. teilen lassen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (up) v.
    in Teile trennen ausdr. v.
    aufteilen v.
    dividieren v.
    scheiden v.
    (§ p.,pp.: schied, ist geschieden)
    sich trennen v.
    spalten v.
    teilen v.
    unterteilen v.

    English-german dictionary > divide

  • 4 subject

    1. ['sʌbdʒɪkt] n
    ( matter) temat m; ( SCOL) przedmiot m; ( of kingdom) poddany(-na) m(f); ( LING) podmiot m
    2. [səb'dʒɛkt] vt

    to be subject to(law, tax) podlegać +dat; ( heart attacks) być narażonym na +acc

    * * *
    1. adjective
    ((of countries etc) not independent, but dominated by another power: subject nations.) podbity, podległy
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is under the rule of a monarch or a member of a country that has a monarchy etc: We are loyal subjects of the Queen; He is a British subject.) poddany
    2) (someone or something that is talked about, written about etc: We discussed the price of food and similar subjects; What was the subject of the debate?; The teacher tried to think of a good subject for their essay; I've said all I can on that subject.) temat
    3) (a branch of study or learning in school, university etc: He is taking exams in seven subjects; Mathematics is his best subject.) przedmiot
    4) (a thing, person or circumstance suitable for, or requiring, a particular kind of treatment, reaction etc: I don't think her behaviour is a subject for laughter.) przedmiot
    5) (in English, the word(s) representing the person or thing that usually does the action shown by the verb, and with which the verb agrees: The cat sat on the mat; He hit her because she broke his toy; He was hit by the ball.) podmiot
    3. [səb'‹ekt] verb
    1) (to bring (a person, country etc) under control: They have subjected all the neighbouring states (to their rule).) podporządkować sobie
    2) (to cause to suffer, or submit (to something): He was subjected to cruel treatment; These tyres are subjected to various tests before leaving the factory.) poddawać
    - subjective
    - subjectively
    - subject matter
    - change the subject
    - subject to

    English-Polish dictionary > subject

  • 5 Denny, William

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 25 May 1847 Dumbarton, Scotland
    d. 17 March 1887 Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Scottish naval architect and partner in the leading British scientific shipbuilding company.
    From 1844 until 1962, the Clyde shipyard of William Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton, produced over 1,500 ships, trained innumerable students of all nationalities in shipbuilding and marine engineering, and for the seventy-plus years of their existence were accepted worldwide as the leaders in the application of science to ship design and construction. Until the closure of the yard members of the Denny family were among the partners and later directors of the firm: they included men as distinguished as Dr Peter Denny (1821(?)–95), Sir Archibald Denny (1860–1936) and Sir Maurice Denny (1886– 1955), the main collaborator in the design of the Denny-Brown ship stabilizer.
    One of the most influential of this shipbuilding family was William Denny, now referred to as William 3! His early education was at Dumbarton, then on Jersey and finally at the Royal High School, Edinburgh, before he commenced an apprenticeship at his father's shipyard. From the outset he not only showed great aptitude for learning and hard work but also displayed an ability to create good relationships with all he came into contact with. At the early age of 21 he was admitted a partner of the shipbuilding business of William Denny and Brothers, and some years later also of the associated engineering firm of Denny \& Co. His deep-felt interest in what is now known as industrial relations led him in 1871 to set up a piecework system of payment in the shipyard. In this he was helped by the Yard Manager, Richard Ramage, who later was to found the Leith shipyard, which produced the world's most elegant steam yachts. This research was published later as a pamphlet called The Worth of Wages, an unusual and forward-looking action for the 1860s, when Denny maintained that an absentee employer should earn as much contempt and disapproval as an absentee landlord! In 1880 he initiated an awards scheme for all company employees, with grants and awards for inventions and production improvements. William Denny was not slow to impose new methods and to research naval architecture, a special interest being progressive ship trials with a view to predicting effective horsepower. In time this led to his proposal to the partners to build a ship model testing tank beside the Dumbarton shipyard; this scheme was completed in 1883 and was to the third in the world (after the Admiralty tank at Torquay, managed by William Froude and the Royal Netherlands Navy facility at Amsterdam, under B.J. Tideman. In 1876 the Denny Shipyard started work with mild-quality shipbuilding steel on hulls for the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company, and in 1879 the world's first two ships of any size using this weight-saving material were produced: they were the Rotomahana for the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand and the Buenos Ayrean for the Allan Line of Glasgow. On the naval-architecture side he was involved in Denny's proposals for standard cross curves of stability for all ships, which had far-reaching effects and are now accepted worldwide. He served on the committee working on improvements to the Load Line regulations and many other similar public bodies. After a severe bout of typhoid and an almost unacceptable burden of work, he left the United Kingdom for South America in June 1886 to attend to business with La Platense Flotilla Company, an associate company of William Denny and Brothers. In March the following year, while in Buenos Aires, he died by his own hand, a death that caused great and genuine sadness in the West of Scotland and elsewhere.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    President, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland 1886. FRS Edinburgh 1879.
    William Denny presented many papers to various bodies, the most important being to the Institution of Naval Architects and to the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. The subjects include: trials results, the relation of ship speed to power, Lloyd's Numerals, tonnage measurement, layout of shipyards, steel in shipbuilding, cross curves of stability, etc.
    Further Reading
    A.B.Bruce, 1889, The Life of William Denny, Shipbuilder, London: Hodder \& Stoughton.
    Denny Dumbarton 1844–1932 (a souvenir hard-back produced for private circulation by the shipyard).
    Fred M.Walker, 1984, Song of the Clyde. A History of Clyde Shipbuilding, Cambridge: PSL.

    Biographical history of technology > Denny, William

  • 6 divide

    divide [dɪ'vaɪd]
    (a) (split up → territory, property, work, inheritance) diviser; (→ kingdom) démembrer; (→ land) morceler; (→ family) diviser, désunir; (→ party) diviser, scinder;
    to divide sth in or into two couper ou diviser qch en deux;
    she divided the cake into six equal portions elle a partagé ou coupé le gâteau en six parts égales
    (b) (share out) partager, répartir;
    she divided the cake equally among the children elle a partagé le gâteau en parts égales entre les enfants;
    they divided the work between them ils se sont partagé ou réparti le travail;
    he divides his time between the office and home il partage son temps entre le bureau et la maison
    (c) (separate) séparer;
    to divide sth from sth séparer qch de qch;
    the Berlin Wall used to divide East and West le mur de Berlin séparait l'Est de l'Ouest
    (d) Mathematics diviser;
    to divide 10 by 2 diviser 10 par 2;
    40 divided by 5 equals 8 40 divisé par 5 égale 8
    (e) (disunite → family, party) diviser
    to divide the House faire voter la Chambre
    (a) (cells, group of people, novel) se diviser;
    Politics a policy of divide and rule une politique consistant à diviser pour régner;
    the class divided into groups la classe s'est divisée ou répartie en groupes
    (b) (river, road) se séparer
    (c) Mathematics diviser;
    we're learning to divide nous apprenons à faire des divisions;
    10 divides by 2 10 est divisible par 2, 10 est un multiple de 2
    (d) British Politics aller aux voix;
    the House divided on the question la Chambre a voté sur la question
    3 noun
    (a) (gap) fossé m;
    the North-South divide la division Nord-Sud
    (b) American Geography (watershed) ligne f de partage des eaux;
    the Great or Continental Divide la ligne de partage des eaux des Rocheuses;
    to cross the Great Divide (die) passer de vie à trépas
    to divide sth off from sth séparer qch de qch
    partager, répartir;
    to divide sth out between or among people partager qch entre des gens
    se diviser
    they divided the area/work up between them ils se sont partagés le secteur/travail

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > divide

См. также в других словарях:

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  • The Irish (in Countries Other Than Ireland) —     The Irish (in countries other than Ireland)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Irish (in countries other than Ireland)     I. IN THE UNITED STATES     Who were the first Irish to land on the American continent and the time of their arrival are …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Religion of Russia —     The Religion of Russia     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Religion of Russia     A. The Origin of Russian Christianity     There are two theories in regard to the early Christianity of Russia; according to one of them, Russia was Catholic from …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The King's School, Worcester — (KSW) is an independent British school refounded by Henry VIII in 1541. It occupies a site by Worcester Cathedral and the River Severn. The King s School, WorcesterFounded:7 Dec, 1541Headmaster:Mr Tim KeyesPupils:c.1000 HistoryThe King s School,… …   Wikipedia

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Нажмите правой клавишей мыши и выберите «Копировать ссылку»